TRIGR participants

Recruitment for TRIGR was completed on 31/12/06. There are now 101 eligible babies being followed in Australia and 2162 internationally.

Families throughout Australia were invited to participate where the newborn’s mother, father or full-sibling has type 1 diabetes.

All babies participating in TRIGR had a cord blood sample collected at birth. This cord blood was tested and the results have identified these babies as genetically at high risk for the development of type 1 diabetes. It is anticipated the follow-up period for the study will be 10 years.

For the families now in TRIGR involvement will mean

  • Avoidance of all cow’s milk, beef, veal and soy products till 6 – 8 months of age.

  • If the baby is not fully breastfed then the study formula is to be used (provided by TRIGR).

  • Regular interaction and contact with study nurse, nutritionist and doctor during the 10 year follow-up period

  • Nutritional advice and telephone interviews with the study nutritionist 2 weeks, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 months.

  • Visits to the study centre or a local paediatrician will take place at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months then yearly till the age of 10.

  • A study doctor or local paediatrician will monitor the growth and general health of the infant.

  • At all visits a blood sample will be taken for the presence of diabetes risk markers.

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